Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Money Friendship Love and . . .

There's a saying says,"money is the root of all evil", there's also a saying says "everything is money but money is not everything", even there's a saying says "no money we are nothing" and there's a lot more sayings about money.

It is proven now, money is everything. You have money then you own the world. Some says money can't buy love. bullshit!. Money can't buy friendship? that's even BULLSHIT!!. Friends can change in a blink of eyes. what the hell is going on in this world today,NO, the world is fine and always, the people are fucked up!!. and it's not about money either. It's all about the people. True love, true friendship, are 'they' exist?. YES, there are such thing in this world but you have to find it, really2 find it. Some may found, some may keep searching but some can just give up. If you are not that type of friend or lover, then give up, u'll never find it.
When u sincerely want to make friend, u'll end up to have true friends, but if  you have 'intention', then DEMMYUH!!

"Do what people do to you,don't what people don't"..
(aku dah merepek abes dah ni,arghhhh,gilo2)..bye!!!

*ps: ignore my grammar mistakeS, but if u can't let it go u can correct it. tengs!

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